We provide a full Male Fertility Evaluation according to every patient’s medical history and also according to WHO 6th edition criteria.
More Specifically:
- Basic Semen Examination which includes:
- macroscopic examination and samplings for semen culture
- microscopic investigation
- Extended Analysis (sperm DNA fragmentation Index – DFI, genetic testing for male infertility factors etc)
- Advanced Analysis (seminal oxidative stress and reactive oxygen species testing – sORP, computer-aided sperm analysis – CASA etc)
According to WHO 6th edition (2021), Basic Semen Examination is the first and common screening for males. The most highly recommended and important (macro- and micro-scopic) parameters to be evaluated are:
- Semen Volume
- liquefaction
- appearance
- viscosity
- pH
- concentration
- motility
- morphology
- presence of other cells
* All in compliance with the World Health Organization 6th edition, 2021.
Sperm DNA Fragmentation Index testing (DFI)
Sperm DNA fragmentation (DFI) is one of the most common disturbances affecting male genetic material.
Sperm DFI testing belongs to Extended Sperm Analysis and is a molecular technique that detects the percentage of spermatozoa with fragmented – damaged material. These spermatozoa have entered the process of apoptosis (programmed cell death), which actually is a normal process, followed by all cells of each living organism. Subfertile individuals, however, have a higher percentage of apoptotic sperm cells than the fertile population has.
Sperm DNA fragmentation has been associated with reduced insemination and fertilization rates, embryo quality, pregnancy rates, increased miscarriage rates and increased chance of spontaneous abortion or premature termination of embryonic development.
We categorize the DFI in three groups:
- 0-15%: Low DNA fragmentation index – High fertilization capacity
- 16-30%: Moderate DNA fragmentation index – Moderate fertilization capacity
- >30%: High DNA fragmentation index – Low fertilization capacity