The exact day of the Embryo Transfer (2nd, 3rd or 5th day of development) and the status (fresh or vitrified) is depending on various parameters, such as the number, the quality and the development rate of the embryos, the medical history and the woman’s age.
Emphasizing every detail of IVF steps in our Unit , we give your embryo/s a helping hand during Embryo Transfer. Through the process we put the embryo/s in a medium high in concentration of a macromolecule (hyaluronan) mimicking natural fluids at the time of implantation. Hyaluronan’s production increases significantly the day of implantation while decreases to almost basal levels the day after, indicating its importance for the implantation event.
The Embryo Transfer process is totally painless and does not require anesthesia. It is performed with precision with a thin, special manufactured catheter and under constant ultrasound monitoring.
After the Embryo Transfer, the woman remains in bed for about one hour and then she may return at her home, where along with the appropriate medication she should rest and limit the activities that cause physical tiredness.
Irrespectively of the IVF method which was followed at the embryology lab (conventional IVF, ICSI, PICSI or PGT) the outcome of the attempt is verified 10 to 12 days after the embryo transfer with a simple blood test.
In happy case of a positive result, the blood test is repeated after 3 days and approximately a month post the egg collection, the first pregnancy ultrasound follows to verify the successful result.