Following our commitment and devotion to the advances of science and with our intention to maximize the success of all procedures of assisted reproduction, IVF Athens Center has applied the revolutionary system of Continuous Microscopic Monitoring of the embryos for many years now.
The embryos are placed in appropriate places in the incubators (Primo Vision) or special manufactured incubators (EmbryoScope®) connected with lenses which allow us to have constant observation of each embryo development every minute and every day (24/7).
It is like there is a microscope inside the incubator watching and recording continuously and uninterruptedly any sign during embryonic life. It is worth mentioning that the microscopic monitoring does not have any negative consequences in the development of the embryos. On the contrary, the findings that result from its application increase the chances of achieving pregnancy up to 20%.
Primo Vision
This was the first monitoring system established in IVF Athens Center since September 2012, now on been replaced by new generation systems (EmbryoScope®).