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    The IVF Egg Retrieval procedure is scheduled when your follicles have reached the right size and maturity.

    The stimulation is complete when the follicles reach the right size (a diameter between 18 and 20mm) and in this way the day and time of the egg collection is specified two days later. In order to gain a high number of mature oocytes, a specific medicine is administered subcutaneously and the egg retrieval is scheduled 34-36h later. During the egg collection a whole team is present, consists of an anesthesiologist, a special trained and certified gynecologist, and a couple of midwives and embryologists.


    The egg collection is performed transvaginally with the aid of ultrasound monitoring and under anesthesia.


    The procedure is painless and it requires only a rest of 30 minutes to 1 hour after its completion. It is highly recommended to all patients not to be alone and not to drive for the rest of the day for their own safety.

    FAQs About Oocyte Retrieval

    How is oocyte retrieval happening?

    Oocyte retrieval (egg collection) is the stage of collecting eggs from the ovaries. During this process, the doctor uses a specialized, fine needle to suck up the content of the follicles, which are the oocytes. The process is continuously monitored with the help of a transvaginal ultrasound and in constantly cooperation among surgeon/anesthesiologist/midwives and embryologists. At the end of the procedure and when a sufficient number of oocytes have been harvested (depending on the stimulation), the oocytes are handled by the embryologists according to laboratory SOPs (Standard Operation Procedures) to be either fertilized or vitrified.

    Is egg harvesting a painful process?

    No, the process is painless because it is under anesthesia and pain relievers can may be given for that reason.

    What is the required recuperation period post oocyte retrieval?

    After the egg harvesting process, the woman will remain at rest for about one hour. The consulting doctor will give her instructions, medication and advice on the recommended dietary program to have in the following days. It is highly recommended to all patients not to be alone and not to drive for the rest of the day for their own safety.

    When is egg harvesting considered successful?

    The procedure is successful when a sufficient number of oocytes (according the stimulation and patient’s response) is produced and collected, which are considered “mature” so that the following fertilization or vitrification process can reach the highest success in the Embryological Laboratory.

    We are here to answer any questions and discuss with you.