We are proud to have brought together a team of experts with the highest level of scientific skills and long experience in the treatment of infertility. Everyone in our staff – doctors, embryologists, midwives and administrative staff – is strictly devoted to the highest purpose we serve, ensuring that we meet all the needs of the couples that come to us with responsibility and above all humanity.

Angeliki Boura
Chief Anesthesiologist
Angeliki Boura has been practicing Anesthesiology for almost 25 years. She has worked with top maternity clinics and IVF private practice clinics in Greece since 1995, while having been a member of IVF Athens Center medical team from the very first day of its operation.
She is a Medical School graduate of National and Capodistrian University of Athens, Greece and she completed her residency in Anesthesiology in NHS Greece ELPIS hospital, Athens, Greece.
During her studies she completed two rotations, in General Surgery and Pediatrics in Monmouth Medical Center Long Branch New Jersey, US.